
Personal Letter

  Dear  How are you? Hope you are doing fine. I'm writing this letter to say that you are your mother. Do you miss me too? Too bad we can't spend the holidays together. I spent the holidays in the Lembang area about 20 km from downtown Bandung, West Java. To be precise, I went to one of the tourism sites there, namely the Bogor Botanical Gardens. one of the tourist attractions located in West Java Province, Indonesia. About 20 km to the north of Bandung City, with lush pine trees and tea gardens around it, Bogor Botanical Gardens has a beauty.  that can attract tourists to come because of its many beautiful trees and flowers. Let me tell you about my tour in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. I spent about 8 hours from home on the toll road to get to Bogor Botanical Gardens by car. I arrived at the location in the afternoon. After arriving at the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Its beauty is beginning to be felt. Bogor Botanical Gardens offers a panoramic beauty of the mountains with cool a

Song grade 10

ANSWER 1) Strongest      Roar 2)  8 Alan walker        Katy perry 3 )                                          (Verse 1) you sit there with that look on your face like you won like nothing that i say is gonna change how you feel now you sit there and you tell me you fell outta love and we are in your way so you just gotta leave now and we just need to understand your reasons and you are gonna justify this treason by telling me the promises that we sworn ain’t enough                                 (pre-chorus) so now you gonna be another person? and how do i explain this sh-t to our son? how’d you tell a toddler about a girlfriend? daddy’s gone                                    (chorus) well, i will be the strongest that he ever 5) Strongest song tells about husband and wife quarreling because the husband's father has a mistress and wants to be separated from his wife and children who are toddlers. Therefore his wife does not matter because he will fight al


            In a village not far from Mount Bromo, there lived a beautiful girl. His name is Rara Anteng. That said, when the girl was born, did not cry like a baby in general. Therefore, he is called Rara Anteng. The Javanese word anteng means not moving or calm. Many young people applied for Rara Anteng, but all were rejected. There was a giant who had a bad face. His eyes are so big. Mustache, beard, and sideburns are very bushy. The giant also applied for Rara Anteng. Rara Anteng was very scared, he was afraid to declare his rejection because the giant would definitely be angry. Rara Anteng said, "O giant, I want you to edit, as long as you are willing to fulfill my request!" "Ha ha ha,... !" the giant laughter roared. "Say it quickly, I will definitely fulfill your request!" "Change this Bromo mountain into a lake that you must finish overnight," said Rara Anteng. "Before daybreak and before the roosters crow, you must have p


                                  An Amazing Museum On Saturday I got an assignment from an English language teacher to visit the museum at the school, in the museum there are many pictures of historical objects accompanied by explanations about the origin, characteristics and much more. Before coming to the museum, it is recommended to fill out the visiting list that has been provided by the school. Many students can be entertained and can also add insight into the importance of knowing historical objects and can increase knowledge. At the museum, I went around and read a number of articles that I found interesting because of what I didn't know became known. At the museum I also made a video about the explanation of the menhir. With that I found out about menhir objects The following explanation is about Menhir. In 1928 found objects of worship a long with a bronze pot that was embedded underground in the backyard of Cor Jesu. One of them is a menhir. Menhir is a stone pi

Past activity

                                               Learning Activities at home Hi friends here I will tell you some of the activities that I do  learning at home. To be honest with this learning at home there are fun and also bored. For the pleasure I can lie down satisfied and also enjoy time with family, but to get bored is that a lot of tasks are given online and there are some deadlines that must be resolved. Sometimes I also I was happy with the assignment, but many of my friends had difficulty going to online classes and also online assignments which they thought were very strange. I also sometimes felt tired because I tried several times what was instructed by the teachers, and I thought that with this task we can utilize our mobile very well and also add new experiences. For other activities that I help parents to clean the house and also do not forget to pray. During learning at home this is very boring, but indeed this is a rule from the government that we must obey in order


Pengertian Manajemen Menurut Ahli George Robert Terry George mengartikan manajemen sebagai proses khas dari beberapa tindakan, seperti perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan, dan pengawasan. Ricky W. Griffin Manajemen adalah proses perencanaan, organisasi, koordinasi, dan kontrol pada sumber daya agar tujuan tercapai secara efektif dan efisien. Lawrence A. Appley Mengartikan manajemen sebagai keahlian dalam membangkitkan orang lain agar bersedia melakukan sesuatu. Tak harus seseorang, keahlian manajemen juga dapat dimiliki oleh organisasi maupun kelompok. Fungsi Manajemen Pada dasarnya, fungsi manajemen dibagi menjadi tiga: 1. Perencanaan (planning) Perencanaan adalah aktivitas strategis dengan menyusun hal-hal yang akan dikerjakan dengan sumber yang dimiliki. Perencanaan dilakukan untuk menentukan tujuan perusahaan secara keseluruhan dan cara terbaik untuk memenuhi tujuan itu. Manajer mengevaluasi berbagai rencana alternatif sebelum mengambil tindakan dan ke
                              BUMN DAN BUMD BUMN & BUMD A. BADAN USAHA MILIK NEGARA 1. PENGERTIAN BUMN BUMN adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara, yang selanjutnya disebut BUMN, adalah badan usaha yang seluruh atau sebagian besar modalnya dimiliki oleh negara melalui penyertaan secara langsung yang berasal dari kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan. 2. CIRI CIRI Saham Bisa Dimiliki Masyarakat Produknya Dibutuhkan Masyarakat Segala Risiko Ditanggung Pemerintah Kekuasaan Penuh di Tangan Pemerintah Sumber Pemasukan Negara 3. JENIS-JENIS BUMN Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 19 Tahun 2003 tentang BUMN, Badan Usaha Milik Negara terdiri dari dua bentuk, yaitu badan usaha perseroan (persero) dan badan usaha umum (perum). 1. Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) Contoh : PT Kimia Farma Tbk PT Kereta Api Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk PT Bank Mandiri Tbk PT Perusahaan Gas Negara tbk PT Jamsostek PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk P